Playgrounds are spaces where the family converges, looking for fun and quality time. It is a place where children develop their physical and cognitive abilities, learn to live with other people of the same age, and form their character. When a landscape architect seeks to add a playground as part of a community or school landscape, it is essential to consider a few points when choosing a provider. Below we share some aspects to take into account when making this choice:

The experience

It is essential that when choosing a supplier of equipment for playgrounds, we choose a company with experience in this area of ​​business. The experience will be vital, as it shows that the provider is knowledgeable in managing a project such as creating a playground. Also, if we hire a provider experienced in the area (for example, British Columbia), they will offer solutions that will fit our project.

Involvement of community

Another important point is the community involvement they can have in the planning process. Each organization has its promoters and agitators, such as local associations, organized groups of parents, and service clubs. It is very healthy that everyone is there from the beginning because the community will transform the playground into a meeting point that everyone shares and unifies the community.

In this sense, the playground provider must have the ability to understand the human group that makes up a said community. This point of view also includes schools, where on many occasions there are organized, internal groups.

Playground safety

Within the safety of a playground, it is necessary to understand the distribution of equipment and security standards so that accidents can be avoided. The installation, covering of the floor, and the quality of the materials that make up the equipment must be considered. As we marked it in another article, the shade is of great help for playgrounds that will be in an area that does not have nearby trees, which in addition to providing shade, cares for and keeps the equipment in better condition. It also prevents possible burns on the skin of more sensitive children.

Inclusive and accessible

The playgrounds’ design must be inclusive and accessible to all children so that none are left outside, and they have no problem enjoying the equipment. The most significant benefit of these playgrounds is that older adults and children with special needs will use them since they have the necessary standards and resources to provide them with a safe and flexible space. Due to this, the supplier must have experience in inclusive playgrounds; thus, our project can meet the standards of inclusivity and accessibility.


It is essential to look for positive references from a potential supplier; thus, we can have a clearer idea of their quality of work, experience, and service level. It is important to note that if these references are in our area (for example, British Columbia), they will be more helpful or have greater value.

What did you think of these Five aspects a Landscape Architect should consider when choosing a playground provider? What other point do you consider important when choosing a playground provider?

If you want to know more about playgrounds, you can subscribe to our newsletter and have free access to our report entitled How to finance a playground for my community?

Image from Westplay

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