If you are stuck at home with children you’d love running around, this article is for you.

The pandemic has changed everything. Or at least many things.

It has never been easier to have a sedentary life working from home, but it has also never been easier to create a healthier lifestyle with more movement for the whole family.

For example, did you know that adults need 150 minutes a week of moderate to intense activity? Everything from immune function to mental health and quality of sleep will improve once you find a way to habitually exercise…

Today we would like to suggest you 3 ways to make movement simple again:

#1. Take daily breaks from sitting

Get some minutes away from your computer throughout the day! You can take your dog out, walk around the house, take your children to the playground or just stretch your back.

how to stay physically active during pandemic

Playground Canada

#2. Exercise with others

You can use the time for exercise to nourish your relationships with people you love.

How about your children, your husband or friends? Today you can even exercise virtually and promote healthy habits in your community.

#3. Plan a new routine

Tony Robbins talks about ‘a power hour’, which is a daily hour to take care of yourself.

And if you establish the same hour every day to exercise and set achievable and measurable goals, the process will be more motivating. Aso, make sure to pick activities that you like and you’ll be more likely to continue doing them.

The bottom line is this:

  1. Habits trump will power
  2. Moving around is an act of self-care for you and your loved ones

If you’d like to turn exercising into something fun that you love, we have a game-changer for you.

how to stay physically active during pandemic

Playground Canada

You know finding the motivation to exercise can be HARD, but having the right tools can help you make this easier. If you have a yard at home, you can build your own “gym” with outdoor fitness equipment! 

Having your own playground at home will encourage you and your family to exercise, enjoy nature, refresh your mind and have family experiences you’ll never forget.

If you want to make exercise fun and easy again, don’t hesitate, make the investment for an amazing life with our done-for-you-playgrounds.

P.S. Side effects may include improving your memory, relieving anxiety, reducing symptoms of depression, having a better quality of sleep, and feeling more joyous in life 🙂

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