The spatial function is the ability to perceive, interpret and build figures in space. It is one of the critical areas that should contribute to the intellectual development of children. In some cases, parents do not pay the necessary attention to this way of thinking and perceiving the environment since they can take it for granted. Still, spatial perception is a capacity used every day and has more significant implications than those that can be thought; therefore, we will know the positive influence of playgrounds in the development of visual intelligence.

The intervention of the playgrounds

As mentioned in previous articles, playgrounds are not limited to a game center where children go to have fun but also allow them to develop their physical, psychological, and intellectual abilities. Each element of the playground has been specifically designed to fulfill a specific mission; among them is the intellectual development of children, including visual intelligence.

For this, elements that teach about shapes, dimensions, and colors are included; also, the various systems help the child to have a real conception of the space around it, allowing him to understand its environment, distances, orientations, and senses.

Improvements in school performance

As previously mentioned, the spatial function helps children develop their intellect, including their skills in line drawing and plastic arts, as well as mathematics, writing, and orientation. Thinking in the form of images allows the child to develop abstract thoughts, different from logical ones, more intuitively. It will enable the child to solve problems more quickly and also helps sports skills in general, so working on all these skills will improve school performance.

Help with social skills

Intellectual development is linked to the ability to develop social relationships successfully. Visual intelligence will allow the child to function successfully in front of other people since, unconsciously, she will learn to identify gestures, grimaces, faces, reactions, and even silences. It awakens the power to determine the degrees of trust with the interlocutor and actively respond to their attitudes and responses.

Location and orientation

The development of visual intelligence allows the child to have better academic performance or social skills. It will also help him improve his sense of orientation and locate himself quickly, identifying the elements of his environment and associating them with where he is. In this way, it will be difficult for you to get lost since you will more easily recognize objects, places, people, and others, allowing you to locate yourself.

Identify meaning

Playgrounds help bring spatial thinking to children’s minds by identifying the turning direction of a toy rudder, giving directions to a hidden treasure within the playground, and knowing which route to take on a climbing wall; in short, many elements within the playground help with the development of visual intelligence. Visual intelligence also helps the child take references to orient himself even with her own body by identifying right or left, for example. The use of cardinal points, the place where the sun rises, and even at the writing level to quickly identify similar letters such as b, d, or p are other examples of the applications of visual intelligence and its relevance in determining the sense of many things.

What do you think about this topic? Do you think that playgrounds are important to the development of kids?

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