Developing a value of community is essential for your kids, especially because they learn how to work as a team and behave in group settings. 

A playground is a safe and entertaining place to do it.

It’s where we made the best memories with friendships and had the most fun experiences!

Today, we list 3 ways that playgrounds teach kids the value of community:

Generating a sense of belonging to a group

A vital aspect of good mental health is building meaningful interpersonal relationships. Hence the importance of creating close connections with others from the earliest stages of our lives. 

We are social beings, we need people to organize our society, form family, and most important: feel loved  

When your child is constantly sharing space and playing with others, he/she finds themselves forming groups that are potentially important social support. 

Not only that, one of the protective factors against chronic stress is feeling part of a group, especially one with shared values and interests.

Pushing kids out of their comfort zone in a safe environment

How can your children gain self-awareness, confidence, independence, and also assertiveness & adaptability? An easy way is to step into the unknown and have a healthy competition with their peers. 

Your child takes risks and learns from failures by spending time playing in a safe & public place. Also, meeting new people and trying new things is a way to prepare children to handle future obstacles in life (e.g. how to reach agreements if someone does not agree with me)

When your child is having fun with their friends, it’s more likely to step outside of their comfort zone and be able to find adventures that allow him/her to reach full potential.

Exposing children to other backgrounds and cultures

At playgrounds, every child shares the same & equal space.

It’s not hierarchy or classification when they are playing, everyone can play with everyone no matter their size, culture, gender, or age (or even language!). 

It creates a sense of inclusiveness in the little ones that will help you develop social skills for life (such as empathy and respect). Also, playgrounds help children to be more open-minded and learn about others. 

Nowadays, there are various playgrounds that fit for those with accessibility issues (look out for our article about inclusive playgrounds!). That’s why your child can interact with special needs peer’s and make them feel included as well

3 ways that playgrounds teach kids the value of community

What do you think about these 3 ways that playgrounds teach kids the value of community?

If you want to find your dream playground for your community, we’ve got you!

Call us at 604-424-4168 or email us at

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