Outer space is important at any stage of the human being, but it turns out to be essential in childhood. With outdoor games, children can carry out activities to develop their gross and fine motor skills, explore the world around and discover new sensations through smells, colours, and textures. In addition, outdoor games help children to improve their physical condition by exercising and exposing themselves in a controlled way to the sun’s rays.

Outdoor space also helps cognitive development through sensory play with elements such as sand or water. Likewise, observing natural phenomena such as rain, snowfall, and direct contact with animals and plants adds to cognitive development. It also helps the child’s socialization and interaction with others, strengthening principles and values ​​such as respect, communication, and teamwork.

Outer space and its importance in education

At school, in general, outdoor activities are only at recess or when they are sports classes, which become moments of rest or complements to the curriculum. However, it is well known that recreation benefit learning. Several studies have even been carried out to demonstrate that game is a fundamental piece of education and that children acquire more excellent knowledge through it. Outdoor play is an opportunity to know and discover new things, not only as a complement to formal education but as a fundamental part of it. Outdoor play helps the child’s mental balance and health and improves concentration, creativity, and the ability to solve problems.

Impact of playgrounds

Initially, the first playgrounds were related to the need to create spaces where children in urban areas could play outdoors without the risk of street exposure. With the creation of playgrounds and their incorporation into community spaces and schools, a space destined exclusively for the distraction of children is institutionalized. Currently, the design of playgrounds is subject to rigorous studies to incorporate elements that encourage the development of specific skills. These designs have pedagogical aspects and meet quality standards that guarantee the safety of children.

Educational values

Playing outdoors helps the development of educational values, such as teamwork, loyalty, respect for the environment, equal opportunities, critical thinking, and solidarity. As a shared experience, children learn to organize themselves, take responsibility for actions, take care of the little ones and learn to detect danger.

What do you think about this topic? Do you think that playgrounds are important to the education of kids?

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