Music is an essential stimulus that transforms, entertains, and teaches. We are surrounded by music; any sound around us can become a melody, which can help children develop different skills and abilities that will help them throughout their lives. Including music as part of children’s education and play has a generally positive effect since it provides the possibility of communicating, socializing, and expressing creativity; in the same way that learning is promoted, it stimulates the development and strengthens their ability to relate to other people.

Early stimulation

The benefits children obtain through music are proven by different studies showing how music stimulates neuronal activity, activating the part of the brain related to reading and mathematics. Early musical stimulation allows children to improve their concentration and learning ability by singing or playing an instrument. Problem-solving and reasoning skills are also enhanced.

Environment learning

Music has the particular property of being a medium that allows us to know and learn more about the environment. The world that surrounds us generates constant sounds that vary according to the material that produces it; for example, metals, an aluminum sheet sounds different from an iron one, which sounds different from copper, and so on. Paper, plastic, natural elements, everything has its melody. Also, if an object is hollow, solid, or thin, the sounds help children identify the elements that surround it both by name and by their particular characteristics.

Music as a learning medium

Incorporating musical instruments in playgrounds gives children the opportunity to have a non-traditional learning environment where they can obtain the bases to build language, the ability to read and write, reinforce their knowledge through repetition, establish patterns to preempt what follows, improve coordination through the rhythmic beat, increased concentration, and more.

Capacity increase

Music supports developmental skills by allowing children to follow the beat in their minds, voices, and bodies. It sparks creativity by inventing songs and melodies, directly encouraging language development by putting words into the songs. Additionally, dancing or playing an instrument develops fine and gross motor skills. It also allows children to share, make friends, build relationships and effectively communicate their feelings while defining aspects of their personality by deciding what rhythms and styles they like, strengthening their individuality.

Music in the playgrounds

Including musical instruments in playgrounds is an excellent opportunity to introduce children to the world of music and begin early stimulation that brings so many benefits to children, being this on a physical, emotional, and intellectual level. Special musical instruments for playgrounds maximize the gaming experience and give the playground that special touch that children like so much.

What did you think of this topic? What other advantages do you know about musical instruments?  

If you want to know more about Musical Instruments for playgrounds, you can visit the following link

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