Music provides excellent benefits for the intellectual development of children, in addition to activating imagination and creativity when learning to play a musical instrument and helping with learning, for example, mathematics. Therefore, musical toys are beneficial when they are included in our children’s play sessions, so by incorporating them into playgrounds, physical and psychological development is being helped. Next, we will detail some advantages of having musical instruments in playgrounds.

Match rhythm and language

One of the primary functions that the child develops by following sounds and rhythms is precisely rhythmic aptitude. The rhythm helps learn to read and write, separate syllables, and form words. When sounds with pauses and contrasts are generated, children learn to identify and track the cadence; it helps them not only to perform dances, songs, or games but also allows them to express themselves rhythmically with oral language and later with writing.

Improves memory and psychic abilities

Using musical instruments improves information storage, processing, and retrieval capacity, thus enhancing memory in general. It also increases language skills, behavior, and spatial and emotional intelligence, fundamental elements in everyday life.

Helps psychomotor development

Incorporating musical instruments into the playground stimulates psychomotor development in combination with the other elements since it enables the child to perform different body movements. Depending on the type of instrument, the children can use their fingers, hands, arms, legs, and feet, also helping to improve coordination and knowledge of their own body.

Positively influences the brain of children

Music can lead to a good mood, relaxation, better concentration, and short-term performance enhancement. Active listening improves cognitive performance and positively affects communication and exchange between the brain’s two hemispheres.

Promotes social skills

Children can play by having a musical group, integrating different instruments in the playground, helping to work as a team, coordinate, play in turns, lose stage fright, and more. In addition, these games help children to be more open with their emotions and stimulate communication.

Improves auditory perception

Musical instruments in playgrounds help direct contact with sound sources through various materials, objects, and instruments, allowing recognition and representation of sound depending on its duration and intensity, additionally, by including lyrics to create songs to accompany the music, the development of the voice, diction and encouraged proper pronunciation.

What did you think of this topic? What other advantages do you know about musical instruments? 

 If you want to know more about Musical Instruments, you can visit the following link.  

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