Children come into contact with mobile phones and tablets at an increasingly early age, some even playing with these devices while still in diapers, quickly learning to manipulate these devices. Currently, many applications are designed especially for them, and the time they spend using them becomes longer and longer. This can have adverse effects on children, making them somewhat addicted to using these electronic devices, taking their parents’ phones without authorization, and affecting their development and health. Next, we share some tips to restrict children’s use of electronic devices.

Set schedules

Parents should control the time of use electronic devices; it is the first measure. Establish schedules after completing school activities and homework so that the number of hours spent using tablets or phones is less than those spent going to the park, playing with friends, or exercising.

Encourage exercise

Electronic devices encourage a sedentary lifestyle and tend to generate obesity, anxiety, or stress, similar to withdrawal syndrome when they cannot play with electronic equipment; as well as it can also create hyperactivity and lack of control. Outings to the park, the use of playgrounds, and practicing sports are activities that entertain children and keep them healthy and active. It is necessary to include these activities in the children’s weekly routine so that they go outdoors, share with other children, and enjoy themselves away from home, away from screens, keyboards, and controls.

Find activities they like

All children are different, so it is necessary to find activities they like and take advantage of them to develop their skills. Fortunately, playgrounds are an excellent means of discovering the activities and exercises that children want to do since they have a large number of elements, for example, rope structures and play boulders for climbing, parkour courses, and even musical instruments, which gives the possibility to discover what the child likes, playing.


It is essential that parents are actively involved in children’s activities, both in school activities, sports, and extracurricular and, above all, access to electronic equipment and the type of content they consume on them. It is essential to monitor the kind of games they play continuously and control downloads and access to social networks in the case of older children.

Consciously set limits

It is not necessary to be too drastic with the limits in the use of digital equipment since it is essential to bear in mind that children are digital natives, so they must know how to interact and use technology. Still, it is important to exercise moderation, maintain balance and teach them to use the virtual world consciously without leaving reality aside.

For example, according to the book “the child’s brain explained to parents”, it is not recommended that children under six years of age access mobile devices since this can affect their brain and cognitive development. However, after six years, they can start using them but with certain restrictions.

Teach by example

Perhaps this is one of the most difficult points for parents since, in the end, children will not do what they are told but will imitate what they see. If parents want their sons to use electronic devices less and less, they should lead by example and reduce their use. For example, if we are on the playground with our son or we are playing with him, we cannot use the mobile phone simultaneously. In this case, it is recommended not to use the mobile when we share recreational time with our children. Likewise, it is recommended that parents practice a “digital diet” day without using mobile devices one day of the week (for example, on Sunday); in this way, the teaching process will be more effective and efficient.

What did you think of this topic? What other tips do you recommend?

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