Monkey bars are common in playgrounds due to the benefits they bring to the physical and emotional health of children; besides being very fun and popular among children, adolescents, and even adults, all enjoy climbing, moving, and swinging on these structures; however, parents may have some misgivings when their children use this equipment, so in this article, we will debunk four myths about the use of monkey bars in playgrounds. 

They are only for training

Although monkey bars are widely used for training, even at a military level, they are structures that invite you to play. They are increasingly modern, with new shapes, colors, and materials that provide hours of fun together with the rest of the elements of the playgrounds. Even the first monkey bars were patented as a children’s gymnasium for children to move in a three-dimensional space and explore the environment, being increasingly popular and a fundamental element of today’s playgrounds, used in public parks, schools, kindergartens, and even in residential equipment. 

Not suitable for children

The first thought of parents may be that the monkey bars are not suitable for use by children, especially the younger ones because of the risk of falls; however, there is a wide variety of designs suitable for children of various ages, so they have heights and difficulties ideal for each age range, so there are no drawbacks for young children to use this type of equipment as long as they are appropriate for their age. 

Likewise, current playground equipment must meet all safety requirements to ensure that children can use them without problems, ensure that the manufacturing materials are of the highest quality, the installation is appropriate, and take care establishing the rules of use, so it is essential to seek advice from a professional in the area (specializing in the installation of playgrounds) to ensure that this is met.  

Only for strong children

The monkey bars are a training that, besides being fun, is demanding, but this does not mean that it is only for children with excellent physical development, strength, and endurance. The monkey bars can be used by all children, and little by little, they acquire skills and physical conditions to make it a straightforward activity, providing a great physical workout efficiently.

It’s just a matter of crossing

Monkey bars are a boring game where it’s just about going back and forth across bars or handles. The monkey bars inspire children to be imaginative and creative, inventing games, stories, and tales based on the structures, making the game more attractive, making healthy competitions, creating bonds between children, facilitating communication, and how they express their ideas and emotions.

What do you think about this topic? Do you know another myth about monkey bars?

If you want to know more about monkey bars, you can visit the following link.

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