Natural wooden playgrounds are an excellent option for parents who are looking for an environmentally friendly and safe alternative for their children, as they offer great benefits not only by providing an alternative with a less negative impact on the environment and more sustainability but also because of the advantages it brings to the physical and psychological development of children. However, with so many alternatives on the market, choosing a supplier that specializes in natural wood playgrounds can be difficult. Due to this, in this article, we will share some points to consider when choosing the right company in Abbotsford, British Columbia.

Wood quality

Wood is a renewable and biodegradable material, making it one of the most environmentally friendly options. In addition, natural wood is more attractive and aesthetically pleasing than other synthetic materials used in playgrounds. However, not all companies that build natural wood playgrounds are the same, so when choosing a company, make sure that the wood they use is top quality. This is one of the most important factors to consider since the wood must be weather resistant and durable to ensure the playground lasts for many years. 


It is important to choose a company with experience in natural wood playgrounds, as they will have a deeper understanding of the proper materials and techniques to create a safe and durable playground. If the company has experience in our area (Abbotsford), this will be considered an additional positive point since this means that the company will be able to provide us with solutions adapted to the needs and challenges of the area. This increases the chances of delivering the project within the stipulated time and that all local regulations are complied with.

Customized design

A custom design is not only about unique and different structures but also about the company’s ability to develop a project that adapts to the client’s requirements, considering the available space, the allocated budget, the time to complete the project, the age of the users, and more. All these aspects must be evaluated to create a playground as desired; that is why you should choose a company with experience in the design of playgrounds, such as Westplay, which can help create a natural wooden playground that fits the client’s needs and budget.


Another critical factor, and one that comes hand in hand with experience, is the safety of the playground. This is not only concerning the safety of children when using the playground but has its origin from the time of planning the project since it must consider durable and resistant materials, establish an organized distribution with enough space for children to circulate freely and not get hurt, make a solid and firm base so that the structures do not collapse, that the finishes and finishings are neat. 

About Westplay

Westplay is a company with experience in natural wood playgrounds, which guarantees that the playground is safe, durable, and sustainable. A company with a track record in developing natural wooden projects, such as Westplay, can offer complete consultation from playground design, planning, and full execution, plus recommendations and post-installation maintenance service to ensure the durability of the playground. In addition, children will enjoy a unique and customized playground that suits their needs and provides an enriching and educational play experience, making it an excellent choice for the Abbotsford area.

What do you think about this topic? Would you like to know more natural wooden playgrounds in Abbotsford?

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