Playgrounds are a fun center for children that, in turn, offer them an excellent opportunity to exercise, develop their skills, increase their abilities and consolidate their knowledge in a safe and healthy environment where they can interact with others, learn more to socialize and share without differences. Now, developing a playground project is a process that involves planning and studies that must be carried out with the support of a professional in the area since specific considerations must be taken into account for the results to be highly satisfactory. Next, we will mention some factors you must know when working on a playground project.

Selection of the space

Before installing any playground, it is essential to select a suitable space since many factors depend on this, for example, the equipment’s dimensions and the area’s coverage. Mainly a space should be chosen that is away from automobile traffic that is not close to power lines or water pipes to avoid accidents. Additionally, it should be away from landfills or areas of high contamination to prevent health risks to children.

The type of soil must be known, as it may be necessary to perform a treatment before installation depending on whether it is very prone to moisture, sandy, or concrete, among others, as it must withstand the structures, it must also be an accessible place for children to enter and move without inconvenience, so it is also essential the state of the land for the installation of ramps and walkways.

Age of users

Another fundamental factor for implementing a playground project is to consider the age of the children who will be the users since the selection of the playground equipment will depend on this. Toddlers and preschoolers, from 1 to 5 years old, have different abilities and needs than school-age children, from 5 to 12 years old, which will influence the size and adjustment of each of the playground elements according to the ergonomics of the age range of the users, in addition to determining the level of difficulty, because although there may be the same game, for example, a teeter-totter or a play boulder, they may have different sizes and complexity according to the ages of the children. 

Capital investment

Another important factor before starting a playground project is to know the amount of money available since it is necessary to purchase equipment, permits, adaptations, installations, labor, maintenance, and other expenses that must be considered. It is essential to have the advice of a specialist in the field since they can carry out the planning correctly, select the optimal equipment according to the client’s requirements, carry out all the installation and maintenance, and can also advise accurately on the administrative requirements, necessary permits and even how to request financing from public institutions interested in this type of community projects.

For more information and to learn about other aspects to consider for a playground project, you can read the second part of this article where we will discuss additional factors to take into account.

What do you think about this topic? Do you want to start to work on a playground project?

If you want to know about playground equipment, please visit the following link.

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